viernes, 1 de enero de 2010

Dota Allstars v6.65 Map Hack


Este es el "DotA Allstars v6.65 Map Hack" Para poder jugar en Red

Teniendo en Cuenta que Tienes que ser el Creador y Crear este mapa

Para activar el Hack dentro del juego Tipea lo siguiente:

"-chacchi " <-- (sin comillas) (tipear -chacchi + espacio + espacio Y presionar INTRO)

# = numero

Comandos: Para Activar: "-chacchi " 2 spaces. -gold # (# = value you want)

-lumber #

-int #

-agi #

-str #

-lvl #

-xp #

-hp #

-mp #

-ms #

-debuff (Removes buff from selected unit)

-lock (locks the trade system)

-unlock (Unlocks it)

-charges# ### (First # slot 2nd charges)

-additem # (max is about 90, Random types of items would be spawned)

-invul (Reders your selected unit permanent invulnerable until you disable it)

-vul (Disable invul)

-kill (kills the targeted unit/structure)

-mana (Mana stays at 100%)

-invis (makes unit invisible)

-vis (visible)

-pathoff (walkthrough walls)

-pathon (normal)

-setcolor (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)

-owner (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)

-nocd (no cooldown)

-cdon (cooldown on)

-mh (Dispalys map, no server splits, hopefully)

-setname (changes your game nick)

-size # (Changes your selected unit's size)

-food # (Changes the food limit even you didn't build structure that provides food)

-heal (heals targeted unit)

-fast (Hit esc when training units)

-bfast (Hit esc on building structure)

-ufast (Research is instant)(To disable one of these commands add -no to it like -noufast)

-ally ## (bugged, currently only able to ally/unally red)

-unally ##

-spawn #### (Type -unitid for units, -itemid for item's rawcode. Then type -spawn to spawn the things you want)

-dead (Sets units animation to dead)

-birth (Sets building to being built)

-attack (Sets unit to attack)

-stand (Sets unit to stand)

-hear (You can see what everyone is saying, aka Chat Hack)

-nohear (back to normal)

-noreplay (Disables replay saving, even "LastReplay" is not saved)

-kick ##

-tele (sets patrol to teleport)

-note (sets it back to normal)

-reg (Right-click two spots and a region will be made)

-time ## (Sets time to that hour)

-float ### ### (first #'s is height 2nd are speed)

-stop (Disable unit commands)

-resume (Enables them)

-unit #### (Spawns specified unit at issued location)

-nounit (Disables -unit)

-act (Changes activator to whatever specifed, needs a - at the beginning)

-unitid (Shows the unit's rawcode)

-itemid (Shows the unit's item rawcode in first slot)

-destid (Shows rawcode of destructable in Reg)

-revive (Revives dead hero and spawns at selected unit)

-addhp (Adds hp to any unit, needs to be divisable by 50)

-colors (Displays player numbers by color)

-say###### (# = hex code only 0-9 and A-F will work)(After the hex just put the text you want displayed)

Link de Descarga

Recuerden que el Hack sirve para jugar en Red

porque en garena se daran cuenta q es Map Hack ya que les cargara el mapa q ellos ya tienen

y si no quieres q se den cuenta cuando tu escribes los comandos... puedes enviarlo a modo observador =)

Disfruta Jugando con tus Amigos Apuestas. Dinero, Objetos, etc..

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